Cameron Waldrop

How Many Chapters Does Harvestalla Have?

For the short answer, there are 10 chapters you’ll be playing through over the course of Harvestella. However, things aren’t quite that simple. Certain chapters also break off into sub-chapter branches. This means that chapters might be divided into A, B, or C, so it’s not always as simple as getting through a numbered chapter to progress. The chapters are also only numbered up to the ninth, with chapter ten as the epilogue. There are bad endings possible in chapter nine, so you’ll need to figure out the right way to advance the story to even get to the epilogue. As for the time commitment you might be looking at, the game length metrics site How Long to Beat puts the completion of the main story at 54 hours. Considering Harvestella was made in the image of Harvest Moon and Rune Factory, it’s no surprise it’s a rather long game. If you are wondering whether or not Harvestella is worth the time investment when looking at that sizeable number of hours, we gave it a 4/5 in our review. This is everything you will need to know regarding how many chapters are in Harvestella. For more on the game, you can check the links below for all of our guides.

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How Many Chapters Are There in Harvestella  Answered - 49